"you are a totally delicious hug magnet. If folks aren't hugging you right now, they
just don't know what they're missing. I feel sad for them."
-Kris Carr
You know it's true. Deep down, that unchanging you that is deep in your heart, not affected by all the self-talk going on or external influences, knows it. Go hug people! Let them feel the wonderfulness that is you! Don't be selfish and keep you to you! Share yourself, share your ideas, your love, your passions.
My wonderful joyful friend Mara and her nanny-baby Malcolm. The lucky baby that shares happiness and love with her! |
Life is awesome! Celebrate the beauty of it.
I had a wonderful tea date with the above friend Mara. That lovely creature in her arms is not a faerie boy but a real human baby! She nanny's for him and I love meeting up with them during nanny time. Mara and I met in our freshman year of college back in Boulder Colorado! What fun times those were. And so our paths have come together again and It's been really glorious. Don't you love it when you move somewhere and have the opportunity to see old friends again somewhat regularly? Makes me smile.
The weekend is here and I'm so excited! I'm going to try to go on a long bike ride, but my wrists and shoulders are not really liking the biking situation, so we shall see!
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