Monday, June 15, 2009


It's been busy. Lot's of traveling. I was moving my immense amount of stuff (donno where it all comes from) from my dorm to my apartment with the gracious help of friends. Stayed in my apartment Thursday night, missed my funi Friday morning, called a taxi and just made my train. GVA to Heathrow to O'Hare Chicago. Met Khaled's GF over middle eastern dinner at Hyde Park, passed out, woke up too early, went to a rainy graduation (outdoors). They handed out ponchos, but everyone was pretty wet anyway. Starbucks and goodbye. Ran to O'Hare to catch our flight to Minneapolis, drove 4 hours to camp and stayed there the night. It was nice. I got to see some of my remaining camp friends, but most were not working there this summer :( The next day we watched the new campers arrive and drove up to Ely. Now we are still here with my dad's cousin Bill, enjoying the small town life and the woods.

I've been considering doing my BA/BBA in MN if they offer it because my time in Chicago left me with second thoughts about living there for a year, and I love MN! We'll see I suppose.

Haven't been eating too well while traveling, a mix of traveling food, and being excited about things like peanut butter, hahaha! Everything tastes really bland though for some reason, like the fruit and veg just don't taste as good as the one's from school. I never thought I would say that, but then again, Les Roches tends to order in season, and the food is not GMO like in the states with minimal nutrients in the soil.

Daddy is prepping for a half-marathon and it kind of has me inspired to start at some point. Not yet, my ankle is sore still, it needs to stop.

I'm getting eager to just get to CT. This is a bit of an in between for me I guess. For daddy it is his vacation away from home, but it is turning into something of a delay to getting home.

Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are

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