Saturday, March 28, 2009

Busy Girl


Sorry for the long lapse between posts. I have seemingly been really busy, though I didn't really realize it even! I have been fitting all of this into one day everyday: Breakfast at school (1 hr), gym (1-2 hrs), class of menu planning and learning a cool program that calculates nutrition and cost of recipes (2 hrs), practical class (7-8 hours), Kitchen Design Meetings (2 hr minimum), working on Nutrition and Organizational Behavior Projects, reading blogs, sleeping. Lot's of hours. My body has been doing a good job of it though, naturally falling asleep around 9ish and waking between 6:30 and 7 am almost every morning. Pretty awesome!! I love my earplugs by the way!!

Exemption...How Many Times Have I Written That?

So what's been up? Well I did try to get exempted from practical after midterm, which would free up 2 weeks of my month each month, allowing me to work at a catering company for my friend's husband. It didn't work out anyway because apparently I had to have applied 2 weeks into school or at least 2 weeks into practical. I could still get exempted from my last 2 weeks of practical because it is not related to the other classes, so I am pursuing that for now. Apparently all of my grades from NCC were in the "A" range. Pretty stoked about that since I never actually saw my final grades!

Apartment Update

I have also gotten in contact with a landlord in Bluche who will hopefully be able to provide me with an AWESOME apartment here so that I will only pay 500 per month (the cheapest in the area) and not have to pay the 600 chf for the transportation pass and I will be able to walk to school and the gym at my own accord instead of having to rely on the bus and funi schedules.


Otherwise I have been having some head issues. I have another constant headache. about 4 days now and little spells of lightheadedness that actually got me to go to the nurse on Thursday...I don't like going to the nurse. She said she was going to give me the number of a nutritionist, though he/she is kind of far away, in Sion, and I should maybe also go to my Dr. about it. It might simply be anxiety related as Tahir and my mom suggested. I think that may be the case since I think I was more stressed out this week than I have been. It is strange because I can only think that I have been stressed out without actually being sure. Perhaps I should learn to be more aware of my stress levels and meditate.

1 comment:

Khaled Allen said...

You could try eating an animal. :-p A happy, wild perhaps, not-raised-for-human-consumption-but-killed-in-its-natural-state animal. But then, yeah it might be stress...but you'll never know!!!
I'd be interested to hear what the European nutritionist has to say about your veganism.