Monday, December 1, 2008

Blissful Peace

The Past Few Days have been quite nice and peaceful. Thursday was Thanksgiving and all I did was dishes and cooking, so it was more fun than regular operation. Friday I got off because the Social Committee hosted a fashion show in which they gave out 10% discounts to the store, which happens to be my favourite store in Sierre, so I will definitely be using one of those discount coupons! Saturday and Sunday were extremely quiet. People were clearly doing something else, which was perfectly fine with me. Everything ran super smoothly, and all has been well. I feel very calm and content. Today I even get off work early! And I'm off this weekend. I plan to go to Bern for the Christmas Market!!! I think I want to go with somebody. I just need to find someone who wants to. Saturday I think...yes, that sounds perfect. I'm really excited about it!!! I am also planning another trip to Zurich the 11th and 12th to visit Steffi and get some last things moved over to school for her. I also got the good news that though all stagiers are scheduled to work the 19th, graduation day, CDV staff don't have to! We plan to finish the cleaning on the 18th and have the 19th off! So I will be going to the graduation dinner with Albert to see him off :( It is all ending so quickly.

I Am Doing The Workout Program I mentioned in past posts. It is going well. the only difficult part is the nutrition part simply because I just don't like eating tons of protien, and a lack of carbs. It is only 5 days of this though, then eating that is more normal for me...then another 5 days low carb...then back to normal....and then ONE more time, hehehe, then the program is done and I will be super strong and fit AARRR!!! HEHEHE!!

I Hope Everyone Is Doing Well and the holdiay season is cheerful as it should be. I am so excited to return to CT and give out lots of hugs and smiles and get caught up on the goings on back home with everyone.

Lots of Love!

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