Monday, August 25, 2008

The Uniforms of CDV

CDV staff has always had the privilege of being able to wear casual clothes to work, jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. This semester, however, the "higher-ups" decided that it was time to implement a uniform, I think because we now work during service hours too instead of just during normal burger flipping time. I have now been working there for 6 weeks and have been assigned 3-4 different uniforms. I go in casual because the indecision and lack of communication between the different authorities allows me to. Nobody knows who dictated the most recent uniform requirement, so we get continually nagged about it, but have about 3 official uniforms to follow, so we follow none. Today we got yelled at by one of the chefs for not being in kitchen uniforms. I am curious as to where this will lead. Mr. Taylor, the ultimate authority, is adamantly against uniforms for us. He says it takes away from the casual atmosphere of the place. I agree with that. I also like to be able to dress how I want.

On another note, I took Tahir to my special spot that I found running the other day, and this morning we ran there at sunrise, it was beautiful! As for the healthful living thing: going well, but I need more vegitables and less grains and less chocolate.

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