Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Link Love!

It's been pretty mellow here these days.  My brother is arriving home tomorrow after having spent a good long time traveling around and living in South Korea.  He'll finally be home!  We are all very excited.  My dad has been in and out of doctor's appointments unfortunately, so my peppy mood hasn't quite been there.  I'm trying to spend time with him and enjoy calm afternoons together over hot chocolate.  Today was just that and it has been my favorite day so far.  You really can't replace the joy of laughing with family over a warm foamy cup of cocoa. And then we both took naps hahaha!  Great day indeed.

I'll be heading into NYC tomorrow evening to spend some time with my friends from my job at the Waldorf=Astoria.  I'm looking forward to it, and I do hope my energy level and mood picks up for the holiday party I'll be attending.  Whether I leave early, or party all night, I always have a great time with these guys.

In honor of the mellow day, aside from watching Step-Up Revolution (so fun!), I'm doing a "what I've been reading" post.  These are just some great articles and things that might strike your interest as well.

The theme is, of course, wellness!  In the wholesome sense.  These are some great resources and links for you:

A Vegan Diet Seems To Be The Best To Keep Cancer Away

The title says it all I think.  It's short and sweet.

10 Tips to Being Happy

Again, obvious title.  It's always nice to have a reminder.

The Happiness Advantage

This is a great Ted Talk that really hits home and encourages you to realize that you have the choice to be happy.  Please choose that.  It's much more pleasant (happier one might say) living a happy life than an unhappy one.

The Passion Whisperer

Another really inspiring video from Kris Carr.  This one can really get you going about finding and pursuing your passion.  Watch it!

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