Thursday, May 9, 2013

Health and Food Demo!

To follow up from the last post, as I have received some concerned questions about my silence since the follow-up with my Dr., I was told that all is well.  I should cut back on sweets and processed carbs, and reduce my nut intake.  The things I already knew I should do to help myself.  I was also told to be more active.  Again, something I am aware would benefit my life.  Summer naturally helps with the active part of things, but the sugar quitting/reduction is awfully hard for me.  I'm going to focus on eating whole foods when I crave dessert, so dates and fruit sweetened things instead of getting a brownie from Karyn's next to work!  They are gluten-free in their defense....

I'll also be focusing on adding more and more raw foods back into my life as I do when the weather warms up.  In honor of the weather change, I'm teaching another food demo/class on raw foods!  So for any of you who are curious about dabbling in raw foods or just adding some new techniques to your repertoire, then come check it out!

The Next Raw Food Workshop is SATURDAY MAY 18th 1:00-3:30PM at YOGA NOW.  You can sign up HERE by scrolling down to May 18th.

Green Juice
Breakfast Parfait
Kale Salad
w/ Zucchini Noodles
Raw Manicotti
w/ Marinara & Parm
Pecan Chai Bar

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